Royal College of Anaesthetists |
Centre for Perioperative Care
HSIB recommends that the Royal College of Anaesthetists and Centre for Perioperative Care work with relevant stakeholders - such as the Association of Anaesthetists, College of Operating Department Practitioners, and Association for Perioperative Practice - to review, update and integrate new guidance on the surgical safety checklist 'Sign Out' process.
Specifically, the guidance should be updated in relation to the flushing of cannulae and extension lines by strengthening the current administrative barriers, considering the hierarchy of hazard control, and the issues identified by the HSIB investigation.
The Royal College of Anaesthetists and the Centre for Perioperative Care welcome the publication of the Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch’s (HSIB’s) report on residual drugs in intravenous cannulae and extension lines and supports the recommendations made to the College.
The College will work with the Centre for Perioperative Care (CPOC) and other key stakeholders to update and modify the surgical safety checklist ‘Sign-Out’ process through CPOC’s National Safety Standards for Invasive Procedures. The College will then promote adoption of the modified process through the Safe Anaesthesia Liaison Group and embed the guidance within our accreditation scheme to ensure its application nationally.
Response received on 14 May 2021.
Royal College of Anaesthetists
HSIB recommends that the Royal College of Anaesthetists reviews its 'Guidelines for the provision of anaesthetic services' regarding the planning and oversight of perianaesthetic care in non-theatre settings.
This should include:
- guidance to assist anaesthetic departments to consistently plan for short-notice or emergency cases which take place in the non-theatre setting
- planning which considers and mitigates against unexpected changes in conditions.
The College updates our Guidelines for the Provision of Anaesthesia Services (GPAS) on an annual basis. The recommendations from this report will be addressed when the relevant GPAS chapters are reviewed later this year.
Response received on 14 May 2021.