The Shelford Group
HSSIB recommends that The Shelford Group reviews and updates the Mental Health Optimal Staffing Tool on a regular basis following collection of recent data from mental health inpatient settings. This is to ensure the tool remains valid for potential changes in patients’ needs and the level of care they require, and to support providers to make decisions about workforce requirements that support therapeutic and therefore safe care.
The Shelford Group welcome the findings of the recent investigations and subsequent report into mental health inpatient settings by the Health Services Safety Investigation Body. The Mental Health Optimal Staffing Tool (MHOST) was developed by the Shelford Group in partnership with NHS England and launched in 2019. It is widely used in the NHS in England via a licence provided at no cost by Imperial College Innovations. It is also available for a fee to NHS and non-NHS organisations outside of England as well as private healthcare providers.
The Shelford Group is committed to the ongoing sustainability and development of the suite of Safer Nursing Care Tools (SNCT), including the MHOST. We recognise the impact that new healthcare policies as well as changes to the way care is delivered and the introduction of new roles can have on safer staffing requirements. The SNCT and the MHOST calculate clinical staffing requirements based on patients’ needs (acuity and dependency) which, together with professional judgement, guides chief nurses in their safe staffing decisions. This professional judgement is paramount in ensuring that the tool is applied appropriately.
Plans are in place to review and refresh the MHOST, with the inaugural meeting of an expert project review group in October 2024. The review process is expected to take 18-24 months with an intended launch in late 2026. Details of the scope of the review are included in the below action plan.
Actions planned to deliver safety recommendation:
Phase 1.
- Agree scope and research approaches.
The inaugural meeting of an expert project review group took place in October 2024. Organisational lead: Shelford Group, Subject matter expert and NHS England. Resources in place to deliver actions:
- Project lead
- Safer Staffing Faculty, NHS England
- Shelford Group SNCT committee (oversight)
- Shelford Group Secretariat (admin, project management and comms)
- Expert project review group
- Safer Staffing Faculty Fellow.
Additional comments: The scope of the review has been agreed as follows:
- Reviewing the skills in ward teams, such as nursing associates and allied health practitioners, to develop a multidisciplinary toolkit if appropriate.
- Reviewing the classification and recording for 1:1, 2:1 and 3:1 enhanced care with associated multipliers (staffing resource)
- Generating Care Hours per Patient Day (CHpPD) metrics based on acuity and dependency to support interpretation of the Carter CHPPD.
- Reviewing the current speciality specific decision matrix for the following settings: 1) adult in-patients 2) Older adults 3) Psychiatric Intensive care, 4) Child and Adolescent Mental Health 5) Eating Disorders 6) Forensic Medium/ High Secure patients 6) Perinatal (Mother and Baby) and 7) Forensic Low Secure/ Rehabilitation Wards, to agree if all these specialties are relevant and required in 2024 mental health care service provision
Reviewing all the above settings to provide a speciality specific decision matrix and multipliers in the agreed specialties in number.
Phase 2.
- Infrastructure development.
- Education & data collection.
- Data analysis, building new multipliers for each specialty & initial testing, by 2025.
Phase 3.
- Approval to move to Beta testing (SNCT steering committee)
- Beta test and User Acceptance: Testing (UAT) & incorporation of feedback from alpha pilot
- Public launch of the refreshed version of the MHOST, by 2026.
Response received on 27 December 2024.
NHS England
HSSIB recommends that NHS England works collaboratively with relevant national bodies and stakeholders including professional regulators, the Department of Health and Social Care and relevant royal colleges to:
1) Identify and clarify the goals of acute mental health inpatient care and the roles, required skills and ongoing professional development needs of the multidisciplinary workforce team.
2) Review and update the NHS Long Term Workforce Plan with consideration of the concerns around changes in patients’ needs and the need for a multidisciplinary approach to ensure therapeutic care is provided.
3) Develop a strategic implementation plan to address workforce issues in mental health inpatient settings that identifies the social and technical barriers to implementation and sets out actions to address them.
This is to develop, enable, support and retain a future multidisciplinary mental health inpatient workforce that is able to deliver therapeutic and safe care to patients.
Department of Health and Social Care
HSSIB recommends that the Department of Health and Social Care, with input from stakeholders including NHS England, identifies the short-, medium- and long-term requirements of NHS mental health built environments to ensure they enable delivery of safe and therapeutic care to patients, and create a supportive working environment for staff. This is to support the development of a strategic and long-term approach to capital investment and prioritisation for NHS built environments.
The Department accepts this recommendation.
NHS Trusts conduct an annual survey of NHS estates, known as the Estates Return Information Collection, that is reported to NHS England. The data collection includes an assessment of the level of backlog maintenance (including critical infrastructure risks) and maintenance costs, which is used to inform fiscal events, understand the needs of local estates and has at points informed the allocation of capital.
In March 2024, NHS England asked every Integrated Care System (ICS) to develop a 10-year system-wide infrastructure strategy that aligns to its clinical vision, delivers the NHS Long Term Plan and sets out how the local estate will be used. Through the ICS Estate Strategy programme, NHS England has asked systems to identify capital needs across all estates, including mental health services (excluding high secure hospital estates which are retained by NHS England commissioning). These returns will be reviewed and refreshed on a periodic basis.
NHS England, working together with DHSC, will build on this work to explore how the returns from the ICS Estates Strategy Programme could be used to inform the long-term strategic approach at a national level to capital investment in the mental health estate. This will include a gap analysis of the ICS Strategies against national priorities and clinical strategy, so we have sufficient detail and consistency on capital demand information to inform future Spending Reviews and ensure that investment is directed towards long-term clinical priorities.
As announced by the Government in the autumn budget, we are also investing £26m to open new mental health crisis centres to reduce the pressure on A&E services and offer support to people in mental health crisis.
Funding for investment in the MH estate is dependent on future funding settlements.
Actions planned to deliver safety recommendation:
- Estates Return Information Collection. By when: ongoing. Organisational lead: NHS England.
- ICS Estates Strategy Programme. By when: ongoing. Organisational lead: NHS England.
- Building on ICS Estates Strategy Programme to inform long-term approach to capital investment. By when: Q2 2025. Organisational lead: DHSC and NHS England.
Response received on 3 February 2025.
Department of Health and Social Care
HSSIB recommends that the Department of Health and Social Care undertakes assessment of the capital requirements of the built environments across high-secure services in England and develops plans to ensure the long-term safety of patients, staff and the public.
The Department accepts this recommendation.
High secure hospitals play an important role within the wider mental health system and it is important that the needs of the high secure estate are understood. As part of the Department’s oversight and NHS England’s commissioning role for high secure hospitals, we continue to keep the physical environment under review.
We commit to continue engaging with high secure hospital stakeholders across government and locally to establish the current physical condition and requirements of each hospital estate and the impact on staff, patients and public protection. This engagement will continue via official governance and at a working level. The assessment of high secure estate needs will be informed by the Estates Return Information Collection, an annual survey of NHS estates conducted by NHS Trusts which is reported to NHS England. This includes an assessment of the level of backlog maintenance, including critical infrastructure risks, and maintenance costs.
We will work with high secure hospital commissioners (who will work with providers) to collaboratively develop a range of options for the high secure built environment, which ensure the safety of staff, patients and the public. We will work with criminal justice partners to ensure these options meet the needs of high secure hospital patients and align with prison estate security. The options will be used to inform future fiscal events and outcomes will be dependent on future funding settlements.
Actions planned to deliver safety recommendation:
- Work with NHS England, who will engage hospital commissioners and providers to establish the work each high secure hospital built environment would benefit from. This will be informed by data on the high secure estate from the annual Estates Return Information Collection submitted to NHS England by NHS trusts. The data collection includes an assessment of the level of backlog maintenance (including critical infrastructure risks) and maintenance costs. By when: Spring 2025. Organisational lead: DHSC. Resources in place to deliver actions: DHSC and NHS England staff, Broadmoor, Ashworth and Rampton commissioners and providers, Safety and Security Directions, High Secure Service Specification.
- Work with cross government criminal justice partners to understand current security arrangements and future security planning for the Category A and B prison estate. By when: Autumn 2025. Organisational lead: NHS England. Resources in place to deliver actions: DHSC and NHSE teams, Prison Building Standards. Other dependencies identified: Cross government criminal justice partners. Additional comments: High Secure Hospitals are the same level of security as Category B prisons, but have to be equipped for patients from Category A prisons.
- Work with commissioners for the high secure hospitals to understand the numbers of and needs of the high secure patient group. This information will be used as part of NHSE five year capacity planning undertaken in collaboration with commissioners and providers, with the next update due to begin in 2026. By when: Autumn 2025. Organisational lead: NHS England. Resources in place to deliver actions: NHSE, DHSC and cross government criminal justice teams and Hospital staff and commissioner capacity. Other dependencies identified: Available data, Prison capacity data, Impact of reforms.
- Work with NHS England and each hospital commissioner to establish a set of options for addressing needs of the high secure estate, with patient, staff and public safety as the priority. Use information gathered from actions 1-3. The options will be used to inform future fiscal events and outcomes will be dependent on future funding settlements. By when: Winter 2025. Organisational lead: DHSC and NHSE. Resources in place to deliver actions: DHSC and NHSE staff (policy, analysis and finance teams), Broadmoor, Rampton and Ashworth hospital commissioners, Architectural planning. Other dependencies identified: Approach to future capital funding bids within DHSC and NHSE, Broadmoor rebuild lessons learnt report will inform options development, Architectural input and funding. Additional comments: Will also require engagement with criminal justice partners.
Response received on 3 February 2025.
NHS England
HSSIB recommends that NHS England, working with relevant stakeholders, develops guiding principles for providers of mental health inpatient care to support local decision making when accommodating patients, including patients who are transgender and non-binary. This is to ensure a provider’s equality and human rights obligations are considered, and all patients are cared for in environments where they feel safe and that are therapeutic.
Department of Health and Social Care
HSSIB recommends that the Department of Health and Social Care includes the documenting of patient, family and carers’ wishes and preferences within the Mental Health Bill. This will ensure all patient, family and carer voices are considered in decisions relating to where the patient identifies they would like to be close to, for example the patient’s home or a family member, specifically when an out of area placement is needed.
The Mental Health Bill, which was introduced to Parliament on the 6th November 2024, contains a number of provisions that aim to ensure that the patient’s wishes and preferences, and those of their family and carers, play a more central role in decision making. Key examples include:
1) Care and treatment plans: Under the Bill, all patients, excluding those under very short-term sections, will receive a statutory care and treatment plans. The Bill requires that the patient’s clinician consults with the patient and those who care for the patient’s welfare (e.g. family and carers), among others, when preparing and reviewing the plan. The contents of the care and treatment plan should comprehensively cover what is needed to ensure that the patient’s needs are met during and after their hospital stay. We will set out details of the content required within the plan in regulations. We anticipate that this will include, information about a patient’s wishes and feelings regarding their care and treatment and details of any individuals with a relationship or other connection with the patient or individuals to whom the patient’s care and treatment plan is relevant. For example, relatives or those who may be providing care or treatment after discharge.
2) Advance Choice Documents/ advance decision making: The Bill puts ‘Advance Choice Documents’ (ACDs) on a statutory footing. These provide a place for people to set out their wishes, feelings, decisions, values and beliefs when they are well. This is so the ACD can later be used to inform practitioners’ decisions around their assessment, admission and treatment in mental health hospital, if they experience mental health crisis and are too unwell to express these things at the time. Wishes and preferences may include the treatments they want and don’t want, based on their past experience, and who they want to be consulted on their care and treatment e.g. family or carer, if they lose capacity or competence. To encourage individuals to make an Advance Choice Document, the Bill places duties on health commissioners to inform people of the opportunity to make an Advance Choice Document, while they are well, and to offer support. To ensure a person’s Advance Choice Document has impact, the Bill creates a statutory framework that gives weight to the contents of a person’s Advance Choice Document as well as any other advance statements or advance decisions.
3) Clinical checklist: The Bill includes a new clinical checklist that requires clinicians to take steps when deciding a patient’s treatment. For example, the clinician must, among other things, support the patient to take part in decision making about their treatment, consider their wishes and feelings - including those in an Advance Choice Document - and the relevant views of anyone named by the patient as someone to be consulted with e.g. family members or carers. The aim of this is to make clinical decision making more patient centred.
Actions planned to deliver safety recommendation:
- Delivery of the Bill. By when: Subject to Parliamentary timing. Organisational lead: DHSC. Resources in place to deliver actions: Dedicated Bill team.
- Delivery of revisions to the MHA Code of Practice. By when: 1- 2 years after Royal Assent of the new Act. Organisational lead: DHSC. Resources in place to deliver actions: Dedicated Bill and Implementation teams. Other dependencies identified: Dependent on passage of the Bill.
Response received on 24 February 2025.
Department of Health and Social Care
HSSIB recommends that the Department of Health and Social Care works across government to review the statutory instruments, business processes and regulations that govern mental health services, social care and housing services impacting on mental health out of area placements and creates a proposal for the future accountability and integration of health and social care. This is to ensure that they are operating to consistent statutory, financial and regulatory frameworks. By addressing system integration and collaboration between health, social care and local authorities will define accountability and reduce or prevent out of area placements.
DHSC and NHSE are leading on the delivery of several actions which will contribute to addressing the safety recommendation, as outlined below.
The 10 Year Health Plan
The 10 Year Health Plan will set out our plans to improve health and social care for the benefit of patients, staff and the wider public. An important part of this will be how the integration of services, including the accountability & oversight and financial flow arrangements, can work better to drive value for patients. This also involves developing a vision for what effective, integrated care should look like by 2035 for people living with one or multiple long-term conditions (for example mental health conditions). Additionally, there will be a review of the current approach to accountability and oversight to determine whether it is fit for the future and can drive improvement and collaboration in our healthcare system.
Tools for Financial Integration
Financial integration via Section 75 arrangements allows for the pooling of budgets, sharing of resources and delegation of functions across NHS bodies and LAs. This is one of the important enablers for integration, and DHSC are undertaking a review of s75 arrangements to consider if there are changes we can make to the legislation to facilitate not only its greater use but also its ease of use.
Recent announcements on reform and investment
There have been announcements recently regarding reforms and investments to improve adult social care. This includes the independent commission into adult social care, which will be split over two phases and will set out a vision for adult social care, with recommended measures and a roadmap for delivery.
An £86 million boost to the disabled facilities grant was announced for financial year 24/25, supporting people to remain in their home with a reduction in hospital admissions which could impact the requirement for mental health out of area beds.
On 30 January, the government published its 2025 mandate to NHS England, laying the foundation for longer-term reform as part of the health mission. On the same day, NHS England published the NHS operational planning guidance, which set out the priorities for 2025/26. Together, these support addressing the safety recommendation through as follows:
1) A reduction of the number of targets for the NHS means NHS England has reduced the number of national priorities for 2025/26, giving local systems greater control and flexibility over how local funding is deployed to best meet the needs of their local population, which can help support system integration.
2) The mandate specifically sets out the need to improve patient flow through mental health crisis and acute pathways. The 2025/26 operational planning guidance is clear that ICB’s are expected to meet the Mental Health Investment Standard (MHIS) and work with providers to ensure that system discharge plans include mental health acute pathways to reduce average lengths of stay in the adult acute mental health pathway, improve local bed availability, and reduce the need for inappropriate out of area placements.
Mental Health Funding Allocations
The NHS is committed to reducing inappropriate out-of-area placements (OAPs) for mental health patients due to the associated risks, including higher rates of suicide following discharge and the susceptibility of out-of-area care to a closed culture which can have detrimental impact on quality and safety of care. All ICBs have published plans to localise inpatient care by 2026/27 under the national Commissioning Framework, improving both care quality and value for money. To support this, £75 million has been allocated in 2025/26 to assist systems and NHS-led Provider Collaboratives (PCs) in reducing one or more of the following:
- OAPs in Acute Care or Psychiatric Intensive Care Units (PICUs)
- Mental Health Learning Disability and Autism inpatient rehabilitation far from home
- Placements outside Natural Clinical Flow (ONCF) in Adult Medium and Low Secure and Children and Young People Inpatient Services.
Neighbourhood Mental health Centres
In addition, in summer 2024, NHSE launched 6 pilot neighbourhood mental health centres that comprise of a team of people from existing mental health services in that locality from health, social care and the voluntary sector. The team and associate local partners will work together to deliver a service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with open access for anyone who requires mental health support. The aim is for these centres in the heart of the community to be firmly connected to both primary and specialist services which can be drawn on as required. A key feature of the model is Continuity of Care whereby the same team will support people with serious mental illnesses throughout all stages of their interaction with services, whether that be crisis support, psychological and social care support, or employment or housing support. The centres are based in people’s local neighbourhoods with the aim of reducing waiting times, hospital admissions and the need for OAPs.
Additional Measures
DHSC officials will work with officials at MHCLG to consider opportunities for collaboration to improve the way that mental health and housing services work together.
Actions planned to deliver safety recommendation:
1) Ongoing preparation on the 10 Year Health Plan includes working groups considering the integration of services, and the implications for accountability & oversight and financial flows.
Integration: Developing a vision for how the NHS can evolve to provide responsive, joined-up care to better support individuals with single or multiple long-term conditions (i.e. mental health), or complex health needs, who may require frequent, ongoing engagement with the NHS. This vision must shift to an integrated model where services work closely together, ensuring that patients experience improved continuity, coordination, and comprehensive support throughout their healthcare journey
Accountability & oversight: Reviewing the current approach to accountability and oversight to determine whether it is fit for the future and can drive improvement in our healthcare system. Work will be focused on clarifying roles and incentivising the right behaviours and ways of working.
Financial flows: Evaluating the finance and contracting implications of the 3 shifts, and identifying how these will need to change over the coming years. This includes considering how financial flows should change to achieve the emerging vision of the 10 Year Health Plan, improving patient outcomes, experience and choice. By when: Spring 2025 (tbc). Organisational lead: DHSC. Resources in place to deliver actions: Eleven working groups are supporting policy development for the 10 Year Health Plan.
2) S75 partnership arrangements review – Reviewing the legislation to see if there are any changes we can make to enable further use.
As part of this we are considering if we should widen the organisations that can enter into s75 arrangements to improve join up amongst public services and support a shift towards models of delivery that focus on preventative proactive care. By when: TBC. Organisational lead: DHSC. Resources in place to deliver actions: DHSC place team delivering s75 review.
3) Announcement in January 2025 of £86 million boost to the disabled facilities grant for financial year 24/25. This funding will support people to remain in their home with a reduction in hospital admissions which could impact the requirement for mental health out of area beds. By when: 2024/2025. Organisational lead: DHSC. Resources in place to deliver actions: £86 million boost to the disabled facilities grant for financial year 24/25.
4) Social Care Reform:
We are launching an independent commission into adult social care as part of our critical first steps towards delivering a National Care Service. The Commission will be split over two phases and will set out a vision for adult social care, with recommended measures and a roadmap for delivery:
Phase 1 – reporting in 2026, will focus on how we can make the most of existing resources to improve people’s lives over the medium term. These reforms will help build the foundation for a National Care Service, support NHS goals and improve local services, making recommendations for medium term improvements.
Phase 2 – reporting by 2028, will make longer-term recommendations for the transformation of adult social care, addressing demographic change, how services should be organised to deliver this and how to best create a fair and affordable adult social care system.
We will also be taking forward a range of initiatives in 25/26, including funding more home adaptations, promoting better use of care technologies, and professionalising the adult social care workforce. By when: 2028. Organisational lead: DHSC. Resources in place to deliver actions: DHSC Adult Social Care teams working on social care reform.
5) All ICBs have published plans to localise mental health inpatient care by 2026/27 under the national Commissioning Framework, improving both care quality and value for money.
Funding has been allocated to support systems and NHS-led Provider Collaboratives in reducing one or more of the following:
- OAPs in Acute Care or Psychiatric Intensive Care Units (PICUs).
- Mental Health Learning Disability and Autism inpatient rehabilitation fare from home.
- Placements outside Natural Clinical Flow (ONCF) in Adult and Children and Young People Medium and Low Secure services.
By when: 2026/27. Organisational lead: Integrated Care Systems. Resources in place to deliver actions: £75 million has been allocated in 2025/26 to assist systems and NHS-led Provider Collaboratives (PCs).
6) The Government’s 2025 mandate to NHS England reflects a reduced number of targets for the NHS in the mandate, which means NHS England has reduced the number of national priorities for 2025/26, giving local systems greater control and flexibility over how local funding is deployed to best meet the needs of their local population, and therefore supporting system integration.
The operational planning guidance published by NHSE is clear that ICB’s are expected to meet the Mental Health Investment Standard (MHIS) and work with providers to ensure that system discharge plans include mental health acute pathways to reduce average lengths of stay in the adult acute mental health pathway, improve local bed availability and reduce the need for inappropriate out of area placements. By when: 2025/26. Organisational lead: Integrated Care Systems. Resources in place to deliver actions: Allocated resources to systems.
Response received on 24 February 2025.
NHS England
HSSIB recommends that NHS England reviews and updates its inpatient children and young people’s mental health services specifications and commissioning guidance to ensure they support developmentally appropriate, needs-based transitions. Any changes to service delivery will require a review of funding lines to enable successful implementation.
NHS England
HSSIB recommends that NHS England reviews and revises its guidance and policies to ensure consistency regarding the language used for age ranges (for example children, young people, young adults and adults). This is to support a consistent approach to healthcare delivery that aligns services and mitigates gaps.
Care Quality Commission
HSSIB recommends that the Care Quality Commission work with the Department of Health and Social Care to understand prioritisation for assessing transitions in mental health care within Integrated Care System assessments. Any subsequent work should include the development of a methodology to identify the challenges described in the investigation report relating to transition from inpatient children and young people’s mental health services, to adult mental health services. This is to improve the safety, quality and consistency of transitions across England.
Department of Health and Social Care
HSSIB recommends that the Department of Health and Social Care works across government to identify opportunities to support closer cooperation between local government, education and health systems for the safe and effective transition of young people into adulthood. This is to ensure alignment, equity of access, and clear responsibility and accountability for their health, education and social support that spans the ages of 16 to 25. Cross governmental work would be supported by the adoption of consistent language for age ranges of children, young people, and adults.
NHS England
HSSIB recommends that NHS England provides guidance regarding communication of essential safety and risk mitigation information when patients transition from inpatient children and young people’s mental health services due to reaching transition age. This is to safeguard vulnerable people and may include how to share information with families and carers, health and social care providers, and third sector organisations.
Department of Health and Social Care
HSSIB recommends that the Department of Health and Social Care works with NHS England and other relevant stakeholders, to clarify national expectations for meaningful and restorative learning from patient safety events and deaths in mental health services. This is to ensure effective learning is supported through processes that provide high-quality and transparent investigations within a culture of compassion.
NHS England
HSSIB recommends that NHS England works with other stakeholders to define the term ‘therapeutic relationship’. This is to support building trust and compassionate relationships between staff and patients from admission to inpatient settings through to discharge, to improve patient outcomes.
NHS England
HSSIB recommends that NHS England, working with other relevant national bodies, develops guidance on how to reduce and respond to non-anchored ligature risks. This will help staff to support people who attempt to hurt themselves with non-anchored ligatures and improve patient safety whilst maintaining a therapeutic environment.
Department of Health and Social Care
HSSIB recommends that the Department of Health and Social Care creates a national oversight mechanism that supports co-ordination, prioritisation and oversight of safety recommendations to implementation across the system. This is to ensure that recommendations from public inquiries, independent patient safety investigations and other patient safety investigation reports, as well as prevention of future death reports from inquests, are analysed and monitored and reviewed until their implementation using a continuous quality improvement approach to learning.
Department of Health and Social Care
HSSIB recommends that the Department of Health and Social Care working with NHS England, and other relevant stakeholders, develop a comprehensive, unified data set with agreed definitions for recording and reporting deaths in mental health services to include deaths that occur within a specific time period after discharge. This will support any revisions required to the current NHS England Learning from Deaths Framework. The creation of a comprehensive, unified data set would enhance system-wide visibility, co-ordination and collaboration, reduce duplication of effort, and maximise the impact of improvement work through strategic oversight.