NHS England and NHS Improvement
It is recommended that NHS England/Improvement carries out its intention to commission and publish an independent evaluation of its alternative design for swabs and tampons. The evaluation should also consider other solutions or technologies and include usability, cost/benefit analysis and the impact on reducing harm.
The Patient Safety team at NHS England and NHS Improvement is pleased to confirm that in line with its stated intention it had already commissioned a first stage independent evaluation of a proposed new design for swabs and tampons used in healthcare maternity services.
Whilst it would not be feasible to commission an evaluation of other solutions or technologies that have not yet been well developed, further independent evaluation to compare this proposed design with other available solutions, and to evaluate potential cost benefit and impact analyses will be considered, conducted and published, should final prototypes prove possible to manufacture to the required specification and standards, and before any staged roll-out is considered.
Response received on 15 July 2020.