Patient safety investigations

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Chest X-ray.
HSIB legacy content

Missed detection of lung cancer on chest X-rays of patients being seen in primary care

This investigation looks into the safety risk of delayed diagnosis of lung cancer. Specifically, the investigation explores delays in patients being seen in primary care and who had a chest X-ray that had not detected cancer.
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  • Theme:

    Missed diagnosis
  • Safety recommendation responses received

Maternity ward sign in a hospital.
HSIB legacy content

Intrapartum stillbirth: learning from maternity safety investigations that occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic 1 April to 30 June 2020

The number of intrapartum stillbirths referred to the Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch (HSIB) between April and the end of June 2020 increased compared to the same time in the previous year. The data initiated an HSIB national learning report which explored the findings from our maternity inv…
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  • Theme:

    Maternity, Coronavirus (COVID-19)
  • Safety recommendation responses received

Colleagues gathered around a laptop screen.
HSIB legacy content

A thematic analysis of HSIB's first 22 national investigations

HSIB has analysed its first 22 HSIB national investigations to identify the recurring patient safety themes and to explore the impact so far of the 85 recommendations we have made to address them. The work was undertaken after it was recognised that similar issues were arising in our investigations…
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An MRI scan of someone's lower spine
HSIB legacy content

Timely detection and treatment of cauda equina syndrome

We have identified a patient safety risk involving the timely detection and treatment of non-malignant spinal cord compression (cauda equina syndrome).
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  • Theme:

    Emergency care, Access to care
  • Safety recommendation responses received

Pregnant woman laying on a hospital bed, wearing a continuous fetal heart rate monitor.
HSIB legacy content

Suitability of equipment and technology used for continuous fetal heart rate monitoring

This national patient safety investigation looks into the suitability of equipment and technology used for continuous fetal heart rate monitoring during labour and birth.
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  • Theme:

    Maternity, Medical devices
  • Safety recommendation responses received

A man lays on a hospital bed breathing through an oxygen mask strapped to his face.
HSIB legacy content

Oxygen issues during the COVID-19 pandemic

There has been an increased demand for oxygen gas in hospital wards during the COVID-19 pandemic. COVID-19 can cause severe inflammation of the lungs affecting a patient’s ability to breathe. This investigation looks at the provision of piped oxygen gas supplies to hospitals.
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  • Theme:

    Medical devices, Coronavirus (COVID-19)
  • Safety recommendation responses received

A young woman sits with her arms folded anxiously in a waiting area.
HSIB legacy content

Wrong site surgery – wrong patient: invasive procedures in outpatient settings

This investigation looks at the risks involved in the correct identification of patients in outpatient departments. Correct identification is crucial to make sure they receive the right clinical procedure.
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  • Theme:

    Checking, Surgical
  • Safety recommendation responses received

Child with asthma.
HSIB legacy content

Management of chronic asthma in children aged 16 years and under

Asthma is the most common lung disease in the UK. 1.1 million children are diagnosed with the condition. Our investigation looks at the risks involved in the management of children aged 16 years and under diagnosed with asthma.
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  • Theme:

    Long-term conditions, Access to care
  • Safety recommendation responses received

Hospital receptionist hands a form to a patient.
HSIB legacy content

Outpatient appointments intended but not booked after inpatient stays

We identified a safety risk involving outpatient follow-up appointments which are intended but not booked after an inpatient stay. If a patient does not receive their intended follow-up appointment, it could lead to patient harm owing to delayed or absent clinical care and treatment.
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  • Theme:

    Access to care, Follow-up care
  • Safety recommendation responses received

A dentist looks at X-rays of teeth.
HSIB legacy content

Wrong site surgery – wrong tooth extraction

Wrong tooth extraction is the most common form of wrong site surgery reported over the past five years. This is classed as a Never Event - patient safety incidents that are wholly preventable where guidance or safety recommendations that provide strong systemic protective barriers are available at …
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  • Theme:

    Checking, Surgical
  • Safety recommendation responses received

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