Corporate organisation information

19 June 2024

Freedom of information (FOI) request reference number FOI012.

FOI request

Please supply the following information for your agency only (do not including any data on other agencies or public bodies that may report to you) for the period of 2023:

1.      Year of creation/launch/establishment?

2.      Your annual budget for the financial year of 2022/23?

3.      Other revenue received but not from government?

4.      Fiscal powers: Yes/No.

5.      Regulatory powers: Yes/No.

6.      Do you sponsor other public bodies: Yes/No, if yes who?

7.      Number of permanent staff?

8.      Number of temporary staff (including part-timers)?

9.      Number of contract staff employed (self-employed)?

Points of clarification:

  • Questions 7,8 and 9: that is number employed during the financial year of 2022/23.
  • Question 7: permanent and fixed term employees (including both full and part time staff).
  • Question 8: temporary and contract staff (contractors and agency temps).
  • Question 9: secondments (non payroll staff on secondment from other organisations).


HSSIB does not hold this information for 2022/2023 as HSSIB did not come into existence until 1 October 2023. An explanation for this can be found below, as well as a contact email address for NHS England who will be able to assist further.  

The timeframe for the request (2022/2023) was a time when HSSIB was not in existence. HSSIB can only provide data from 1 October 2023 onwards as HSSIB is an independent arm's length body that came into existence on 1 October 2023. The former body, the Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch (HSIB), was in place at the time in question and was hosted by NHS England. Therefore, data for the timeframe 2022/2023 inclusive will be held by NHS England. Further details can be found on the HSIB legacy page, which explains the difference between HSIB and HSSIB.

NHS England can be reached on:

Following an email exchange on 20 June 2024, the requester amended their request and asked for the HSSIB information for the period of existence i.e. from 1 October 2023 onwards. This information is provided below:

  1. Year of creation/launch/establishment? 1 October 2023.
  2. Your annual budget for the financial year of 2022/23? (NB provided for 1 October 2023 to 31 March 2024). £3.144 million.
  3. Other revenue received but not from government? £24,411.35 from education courses.
  4. Fiscal powers: Yes/No. No.
  5. Regulatory powers: Yes/No. No.
  6. Do you sponsor other public bodies: Yes/No, if yes who? No.
  7. Number of permanent staff? 50.
  8. Number of temporary staff (including part timers)? 0 temporary staff.
  9. Number of contract staff employed, (self-employed)? 0 contract staff.
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